I’m Peter, the helmsman of this here blog. Welcome aboard!
Some random things about me with no rhyme or reason:
- Time is my most precious commodity. I struggle trying to balance work and play, there just never seems to be enough time to read, socialize and be creative.
- Music is hugely important in this world.
- I ramble, ski, kayak, sail, bicycle, and fly kites. I think I could be good at surfing with practice but I only did it once.
- I travel to lose control, be flexible and ride at the whim of different cultures. It is a freedom I don’t have in my daily life.
- I can run pretty fast.
- My most rewarding travel moments usually occur when I am not sightseeing.
- I love the language, creativity and potential of technology.
- Spending money doesn’t make me happy. I’ve known this about myself for as long as I can remember.
- I look forward to each change in the seasons.
- I love to cook, especially for others. I prefer the cuisines of Asia, the Andes and the Mediterranean. Simple one-pot meals are my favorite, such as homemade rice & beans or a hearty stir fry.
- I enjoy observing the game of politics. To me it is a sport.
- I’ve never really wanted a tattoo. I can’t think of anything I’d want permanently inscribed on my body.
- I’ve never regretted writing a letter, going for a walk, working out or doing a crossword. Ever.
If you want to know more, I invite you to check out my bio and photos.
I am Amy. I am fortunate to have a brother-in-law named Peter. I am ultra fortunate he will be providing me food, drinks, lodging and laughs for the summer:)
Hasta la vista baby!!
This is a great blog Peter!! Paul told me you were busy working on it.
Hey Amy! So glad you are stalking me on the internets… this is indeed a work in process, I’ve just hit the tip of the iceberg. The goal is to have this more developed by the time I start my next Big Adventure so stay tuned.
I can’t wait for you to get here, this summer will be off the hizzy.
xoxo Peter
Can I come too? I make a wicked drink!
Of course, Mark! You are welcome any time, and not just because you make killer cocktails! In fact we could you a barkeep now to help with all the gin & tonics, gotta keep that malaria at bay!