Scotland, 1998

A dramatic and gratifying visit to Scotland, starting in Glasgow and a drive to the west coast to sample scotch in Oban and Mallaig, then off to the islands: Skye, Lewis and Harris. Back to the mainland via Ullapool and into the Highlands past the venerable Ben Nevis.

We drove along the rugged north coast, which is constantly pounded by the rough North Sea. We caught a ferry to the Orkney Islands where we visited amazing Skara Brae, the best-preserved Neolithic village in Europe dating to 3200 BC. Our days there were relaxing as we enjoyed the distinctly quiet people and Nordic culture still alive on the island.

We returned to the south via Inverness and the central Highlands, passing Loch Ness (of course we looked but didn’t find) and ended our stay in elegant Edinburgh. We covered a lot of ground but each moment was filled with natural spectacle, Scotland knows how to draw you in.

Oh, but let me tell you that I love you
That I think about you all the time
Caledonia you’re calling me
And now I’m going home

– Dougie MacLean, Caledonia

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