Peter’s Picture Show: Tirolesas en las Barrancas del Cobre

Here’s Paul and I flying high on the ziplines at the Adventure Park from the rim of the Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon) in northern Mexico’s Chihuahua state. Comprising seven adjacent canyons, this area is estimated to be many times larger and at least twice as deep than the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

It’s a majestic and scenic area rich in greenery which resembles oxidized copper, hence its name. The indigenous Tarahumara inhabit the cliffs and valleys and continue to practice a traditional nomadic lifestyle. They are still a visible feature of the entire region. Refreshingly little visited by tourists, Mexico’s Copper Canyon is a traveler’s delight with endless opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding and exploring picturesque pueblos mágicos.

And if the Adventure Park’s seven ziplines, two rocky suspension bridges, and a 2-mile long gondola ride back to the rim aren’t enough to get your adrenaline rushing, in a couple of weeks the park will inaugurate the longest zipline in the world: a thrilling 8,350 foot (1.5 mile) drop from the canyon rim. We’ll surely be back for that.

2 thoughts on “Peter’s Picture Show: Tirolesas en las Barrancas del Cobre

  1. I can’t believe you talked me into doing that 🙂 It was such a blast. I can’t wait to try the new zip line there at the Copper Canyon that is the longest run in the world. Next week Peter….let’s go! Oh…love the tune…sounds like the karaoke we heard on the ferry across the sea of Cortez. 

    1. Ziplining is something that we never regret despite it seeming like a “bad idea” just before we get geared up… I can’t wait for the next zipline, bring it on!

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