A Week With My Feline Folk

With my brother Erik heading south to sunny Mexico, I’m babysitting his boys (Vinny and Hobbes) this week in frigid Minnesota. While the Arctic air outside may be bitterly cold, I’m happy to be with these dudes — I’ve got their love to keep me warm.

Vincent treating his SAD (seasonal affective disorder) beneath a lamp in the dark evening hours
Vincent treating his SAD (seasonal affective disorder) beneath a lamp in the dark evening hours

Time spent with cats is never wasted.
— Sigmund Freud

Hobbes' playfulness keeps me distracted from more "important" work
Hobbes’ playfulness keeps me distracted from more “important” work

Kenya, 1995

This trip was a pure gift.  My good friend Miki (originally from Dubuque but living in Boston) organized the travel program for ArtsBoston at the time.  She invited me along on an all-inclusive safari to Kenya provided I help with the group arrangements once there.  It was fantastic in every way, the majestic wild animals in the Masai Mara and Serengeti wowed me.  I loved being with Miki and met many wonderful people on the trip.

Costa Rica, 1995

My first excursion to foreign lands as an independent traveler without the structure and support of a cultural or educational program. It was thrilling and I was free, camping on beaches, climbing peaks, eating exotic and filling foods. Every moment amazed me: everywhere monkeys, music, mountains, beaches and birds, friends and flowers.