Atlantic Ocean Plunge,
New Year’s Day 2011

To kick off the New Year, I decided to finally join the Polar Bear Club and go for a body-chilling dip in the Atlantic Ocean.  So with little fanfare, I stopped by Mark and Amy’s wonderful home for the winter overlooking Pepperrell Cove in Kittery, Maine and jumped in the drink.

Fortunately it was an unusually mild day for January (with a high of 55°F) which made for a much easier entry into the 39°F-ish ocean.  After the dip I was able to stand for some time on the beach in only my trunks and water shoes.

I tried unsuccessfully to enlist others to join in the fun — Paul’s text reply was an emphatic “No f*ckin’ way!” and Mark claims he is “physically incapable” of entering cold water.  Not surprising from the Lechner brothers who never swim in the Maine waters even in the height of summer.  Oh well, I guess everyone has a tolerance threshold for such things.

This particular feat had been on my mind for some years but always missed due to weather, location or hangover.  So 2011 proved to be The Year and I’m pleased to have a resolution so easily and quickly crossed off my list!