A Farewell to the Best Companion Ever

Fond Farewell to my Favorite Travel Buddy

Yesterday was a sad day for me.  My travel companion and mate, Paul, left to return to the USA.

This past month we spent practically every moment together.  We shared meals, enjoyed amazing sights, dealt with frustrations and moments of hilarity, entertained each other on long bus and train rides, watched countless sunsets, hiked/cycled/paddled through some of the world’s most spectacular scenery, looked out for each other as we made our way through city after city, sat together over coffee and beers, helped each other through illness and injury, planned logistics and shared the mundane burdens of travel, and kept each other sane and grounded day in and day out through Vietnam.  His company will be sorely missed in the weeks to come as I move on to Laos and Cambodia.

I look forward to the freedom and independence that solo travel entails, and I know from past experiences that this is surprisingly satisfying for me.  But I will at times pine for the comfort and companionship of being with a travel partner.  And as partners go, Paul is the best there is.

Thanks, Paul.  You made our superb journey through Vietnam a sunny and gratifying joyride!

5 thoughts on “A Farewell to the Best Companion Ever”

  1. Sweet Peter…..I feel the same and wish I could have continued the journey with you. It was not a happy day for me when I had to leave. However as you now I’m planning the next adventure for this June…. So make sure you get back here 🙂

    Don’t you think I look a bit like Steve McQueen in that picture on the motorcycle?

    1. Hey Paul, I’m leaving lots of Laos and Cambodia undiscovered so we’ll have to come back again to finish our travels together!

      First, it was a scooter not a motorcycle. Second, perhaps a queen not McQueen. 😉

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