Please Read: Disappearing in One Act

So there’s that face that appears now and again on Wikipedia, y’all know it:

Wikipedia Face

So I got tired of these people glaring at me with that you oughta look while I learn about the various and sundry miscellanea of this incredible universe at our disposal1 and simply made a donation.  And lo and behold, the face disappeared!2

Wiki Why?

On a daily basis I enjoy its amazing collection of knowledge and of course I really appreciate all that Wikipedia stands for.  And donating to the Wikipedia Foundation has been a priority since reading this accolade in Wired magazine.

But it is nice to read in peace without anyone staring back at me.

1 Random Wikipedia entries taken from my browser history.

2 Of course you can just click on the X in the upper right corner of the banner to exeunt the faces.3

3 But that ain’t no fun nor good (no matter how much we love cookies), now is it?

Wolfgang Fische

Peixes de Wolfgang

For the past three weeks, I was Wolfgang’s fanny (fish nanny) and so entrusted with the care and well-being of his 20+ tropical Fische from Brazil’s Amazonian fresh waters.  His three tanks, a largely exquisite display of lush greenery and a delicate of mix of exotic, unfettered scaled beauties did not disappoint.

Fortunately for me (and the tank communities), there was a sole floater during the caretaker period.  Generally the fish seemed happy (and I know they were well fed with blood worms and beef heart — yucko fer reals y’all) and I was lucky to enjoy the aquamarine spectacle for a spell, curious and relaxing beyond measure.

Fort Foster Cocktail Hour with Roberto

Our good friend Roberto visited this past weekend, returning after moving to North Carolina.  With clear skies but a chill in the air, we headed to Fort Foster on Gerrish Island.  It was a pleasure to catch up with him, reminisce about old times, and enjoy the setting sun and ebbing tide with a Havana Sidecar cocktail in hand. Nothing like spending time with old friends and new (in this case Lily, the Sheltie puppy who eagerly introduced herself).

Havana Sidecars
Tidepool Exploration
Continue reading “Fort Foster Cocktail Hour with Roberto”

Summer Is Finally Here!

It took some convincing after weeks of sub-par temps and chilling rain to finally accept that spring was winding down.  After an extra-long and extra-warm Memorial Day weekend, I was ready to face June by shedding clothes and lathering on the sun screen.

Here are some Hipsatmatic pics from the weekend:

Relaxing on the beach, XX style.
Relaxing on the beach, XX style.

Continue reading “Summer Is Finally Here!”

Springtime Scenes

An uneventful spring, busy with work as usual but I did find time to spend with family and loved ones.  Here’s a collection of random pictures from my post-winter goings on.

I enjoyed an early spring visit from Mom and Ray, freshly returned from hot Mexico only to face the April chills of New England:

Mom and Ray walking at Fort Foster overlooking Whaleback Light and the Isles of Shoals
Mom and Ray at Fort Foster overlooking Whaleback Light and the Isles of Shoals

Continue reading “Springtime Scenes”